Step 4: Print Your Barcodes
We use a barcode system that allows us to keep track of your items.
You enter your items into our online system called My Sale Manager (MSM). MSM is very simple to use. Log into MSM. Once you put your inventory in MSM, you then print your tags. Each tag has a unique, corresponding barcode. The barcodes will allow you to go online and see what you have sold each night!
The deadline to enter your items into our online system is Sunday, March 31st at 5am. You can print your tags after this date, but you cannot make changes to the tag.

The system shuts down for back up each night from 1:00am-1:30am. Please plan accordingly.
Returning seller will need to reactivate your old tags if you are selling items that you did not mark as donate at the previous sales. These tags will not need to be reprinted, unless you made changes to the tag. If you picked up an item you had marked as donate it must be re-entered and printed.
All of your clothing items should be sorted by gender and size before you enter them into the system. You will also want to sort your inventory by like items. This will save you time! The system will remember the information from your last entry (except the description). You will then only have to type the description of next item.
All items must be at least $2.00 and priced by the whole dollar. See our PRICING GUIDE HERE. Please feel free to reference it to help price your items. Select prices for items based on what you would be excited to pay for them. Remember it is likely that other consignors will have the exact item. Shoppers will be comparison shopping. Whenever possible, we recommend using a description line to state the retail price.
Discounted Items
On Saturday we have our discount (50%) day to the public. There are just a few that work Saturday morning that get to shop Friday evening, so you will see this on your sold items list on Friday night.
Discounted items have a better chance of selling! Any item(s) you do not want to be discounted must have “Check to Discount” unchecked when logging your items into the system. If “Check to Discount” is selected that item will be sold as a discounted item at the 1/2 off sale! Any item(s) that is check to be donated will be discounted automatically.
I highly suggest that you mark all items as discount. Your items has every chance to sell with over 2000 shoppers, unless it is over priced. So give it an added chance to sell at the Saturday, 50% off Sale. You will be happy you did. It is better to get a bigger check and take home a smaller load. If you have any questions or concerns email or ask on our Consignor Facebook group.
Complete and accurate descriptions help sell an item. Mention brand name and brief description. Being extremely descriptive discourages theft and can also help us match lost items with loose tags.
There are two lines where you may describe. The first line you will need to put the brand. Second line put a complete and accurate description. If possible, mention the retail price on line two. This will help the shoppers realize what a great deal they are getting.
Make sure you use the correct category and size. Please make sure read step 3 when deciding a category. This will make a huge impact on use when setting up for the event. We will need to know how much room we need for each category and size.
Printing Tags
Tags will print 6 to a page and will fill up a 8x11 sheet. Do not make tags smaller. The actual tag measures 3x3 when cut.
Tags MUST be printed onto PLAIN WHITE CARD STOCK! Do not use tape over the bar codes of the tags or laminate the tags. .
All bar codes must be crisp and clean (see pictures below) and printed with black ink. Print using your draft setting and using black and white. Do not use the color setting if you have a color printer.
If you change either the price, description, donate, or discount on a tag that is already printed, you MUST reprint the tag and put the NEW tag on your item. We will not accept tags with handwritten changes.
When attaching your price tags to your items, please place them front and top of the item. We need to be able to see the price quickly. If it is not we will ask you to re tag at drop offs.
Bar codes​
Print tags using the draft, black and white setting on your printer, not high quality. Make sure your pop-up blocker is off. Sometimes when your browser is slow the bar codes are the last to show up. Make sure before you print that the bar codes are on each tag. The print quality of your bar code is extremely important. Please print a page of test tags to see how they look. Use a critical eye when checking the quality of bar codes. If you do not have good bar codes then the workers have to hand enter them at checkout. This is where human error could occur. We want to make sure you get credit for your sold item.
At drop offs we will scan a few of your tags. If they do not scan we ask you to reprint your tags.
If your barcodes look like this one, you’re good to go.

Too Much Ink
If it looks like the barcode below, you are using too much ink. Try a lighter setting.

Needs More Ink
If it looks like this one, replace your ink cartridge with a new one and align your replacement cartridge.

Realign Cartridge
If it looks like one the barcodes below, realign your current ink cartridge and try again.

Good Tag
How to Videos
Below is a 20 minute video on how to register and navigate MSM to input your inventory on a laptop or PC without voice entry.
Below is a 5 minute video on how to register and navigate MSM to input your inventory on your phone using voice entry.