Did you run out of time? Or did you find more items to consign after the deadline?
Note: this is for Regular Sellers that are dropping off for the 2nd or 3rd time. ReStocking Sellers that are dropping off for the 1st time, this does not apply to you unless this is your 2nd drop off. If you are a Restocking Seller you still follow all 6 steps under consign, but your drop off is Wednesday or Thursday at your appointment time.

Good news: After the deadline, a registered consignor (not available for valet consignors) is able input items, at home, and bring that item to the current event. I hear too often that a consignor forgot or found another item to input. Or better yet, a consignor purchased a newer stroller or toy and now wants to sell the older one. Now you can!
At Urban Kids, we have so many shoppers, and we are always in need of more inventory. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Shoppers will now have so much more to shop from! Shoppers are happy and Consignor checks are big! WIN WIN!
How to use the ReStocking Feature:
You will need to be a registered consignor.
Using the drop down menu you click on “Work with my ReStock items”.
You will not see your other inventory and that is OK. They are not missing. We are in the ReStocking Period.
The ReStock screen is the same as the normal entry system. Input your items as usual.
Print your tags for the ReStock Items and put them on your items like you normally would.
Once we have inspected your items we will ask that you put them on the floor.
You may drop off any ReStocking items through the back:
​Wednesday 9am-10:20am
Thursday 9am-10:20am
You may drop off ReStocking items through the front as long as it fits an ikea size shopping bag:
Wednesday 3pm-6pm​
Thursday 1pm-6pm
Friday 1pm-6pm
Please keep in mind:
In order for you to go to the Private PreSale (Tuesday night) you must drop off most of your items at the normal drop off times (Sunday or Monday).
You are gathering your unsold items to take home at the end of the event. Your items will have less time on the sales floor, so please be even more vigilant to have clean, current, well priced, discounted items.
What we will accept for ReStocking:
Almost everything we normally do!
Hot Items: Outdoor Play equipment, Water and Sand tables, Wagons, Picnic Tables, Bikes, Sports equipment, Ride-Ons, Jumboroos, Swings, Bouncers, Highchairs, Strollers, Books, puzzles, toys, and shoes.
Clothing unless we are asking because we have room. Make sure you check your emails and/or our Consignor Facebook Group for updates nightly.